Bonus Material: SmartMetrics Launch Tracker

This launch strategy is not ideal for all online businesses.

It’s for courses creators that are already using live launches, and now want to multiply their profits, while launching less.

I’ve been using this exact optimization strategy for years, and even in crazy 2020, it helped my clients like Jay Abraham, Laura Doyle, and Jamal Miller generate $4.2 million course sales in 10 launches, across 8 different markets.

If you want the most efficient way to get more profits from your flagship courses, then keep reading..

Grab my SmartMetrics Launch Tracker Sheet below to see and use our tracking for your launches and campaigns.

Do you sometimes feel like your growth and momentum are slowing down, even though you’re doing more work?

Let me explain…

In the past, to generate more revenue, all you had to do during your course launch (or marketing campaign) was to focus on and improve 2 things:

A) Get more people to join your live launch event.
B) Boost sales conversions during your open cart.

It was a very straightforward process: tracking and improving only 2 key areas (A + B) gets you better results.

But now, for some reason it's not enough.

On the contrary, this approach is holding you back from the predictable profit growth you desire.

What do you say we flip a switch from working hard to working smarter?

The “SmartMetrics Optimization” (SMO) approach to unlock hidden course profits, by doing smart tracking during your launches.

There are three phases in your launch where you can successfully use SmartMetrics Optimization to increase your course sales.

Phase 1: Set The Stage (Before Your Launch)

Phase 2: Rock The Arena (During Your Launch)

Phase 3: Win The Crowd (After Your Launch)

Contrary to popular beliefs, when you want to get better results from your launches, you don’t want to keep changing your existing launch strategies or constantly create new products.

Because, you've done all the hard work.

You've created a program that’s proven to convert, over and over again.

You’re getting new groups of students in with every launch.

And your students are loving the programs, while getting results. 

And that’s all that really matters.

What I’m about to show you works no matter the launch strategy you’re using.

I’m consistently working with clients that are using different approaches to launching their products: Product Launch Formula (PLF), 5-day challenges, 3-day Masterclasses…

Important thing they have in common is they are laser focused on exponential growth by using ONE main launch strategy and ONE main flagship offer.

All you need to do is slightly adjust the way you track and optimize your EXISTING product launch strategy. Here’s how:

Phase 1: Set The Stage (Promotion)

This is what you should do while getting people into your launch.

Most people measure the success of this phase by focusing on the total number of people joining their launch, and cost per lead (launch participant), and this is what often gets them into trouble later.

Set The Stage Lesson #1 - Never Make Assumptions

Let’s start with the MOST IMPORTANT lesson of them all, and that’s to never, ever make assumptions on what is happening in your launch.

Take time to understand what are the most important success indicators and track them.

Here’s the “Exponential Scorecard” we use when working with our clients.

The reason we use this scorecard is simple, there’s no guesswork on what worked and what didn’t work before, during and after the launch.

1.They do the launch.
2.They update their Exponential Scorecard.
3.They compare it with previous launch scores and bam - we see what was better and what can be improved.

There are a set of Smart Metrics that we track, but I’ll share some basic (read: crucial) ones with you since they’re the perfect examples of where “hoping end up with more profits” can cost you more than you think: 

Smart Metric #1: The Real Price Of Your Leads

I’ve seen this in 9 out of 10 client projects.

Facebook ads manager is showing different numbers of leads and cost per lead, than the actual number of people in your CRM.

And there’s always LESS people in your CRM compared to Facebook numbers, meaning cost per lead is more expensive than you think.

(there's always a difference in what FB says (red), and your actual numbers (blue))

That’s why we’ve introduced “discrepancy tracking” and tolerate 5-10% difference, because you can never get it 100% right, but when you track you at least know the real state of affairs.

Smart Metric #2: The Quality Of Your Audience

You’re excited about finally cracking the Facebook ads code, getting a ton of cheap leads, but then surprise surprise…

You launch, but get criminally low engagement and you can’t figure out what happened.

To avoid this mistake, you need to pay attention to 3 simple “Audience Quality” metrics 

1. Welcome Email Open/Click Rates

The most obvious red flag is if you have open rates for your first launch email lower than 40%.
I mean, people should be excited about joining your launch and the first welcome email should get 50-60% open rates at least.

2. Leads To Group Conversions

Most launch strategies have a live communication channel, and a Facebook group is the most popular one. Ideally you want to get 50% of the audience that has signed up for your launch into your group, and 35% should be the minimum.

3. Survey Response Filter

We run valuable surveys where we not only measure the total number of responses, but the quality of these responses, too. It tells us whether you have the right people in, and if your new leads align with your overall message.

This way, you always know if people expect something else other than what you’ve promised in your ads and landing pages.

There are a couple of ways to do surveys, but the easiest one would simply be to have a welcome post in your Facebook group asking new members to answer a simple question in the comments:

“If you had to pick one thing, what is the biggest benefit you expect to get from this training session?”


“Share the most important reason WHY you’ve decided to join this training?”

Anything that helps you understand exactly what your audience expects from this launch. )

That way you have a pulse on who’s coming to your launch, and whether you need to adjust expectations while you still have time (remember, we’re doing this during the promotion phase, and the launch hasn’t officially started yet)

Check out the example below to see how we positioned this when doing Jay Abraham’s launch:

We’re just getting warmed up here, but do you see how by focusing on a few simple Smart Metrics you’re able to know exactly what’s happening in your launch?

Let’s keep on going...

Set The Stage Lesson #2 - Finish Content Beforehand

This one's a classic and I keep on repeating myself like a broken record, but it’s still one of the most common mistakes I see happening during live launches.

If you’re new to a “live launch” concept, then you can’t fully understand all the moving pieces that go into a successful 7-figure launch, and will for sure underestimate the process.

Even if you're a seasoned launch expert, you may still forget about a few key pieces when creating your content.

And we don’t want that.

Here’s an example of how we track production during bigger launches: 

As the main face of your brand, your main goals during the launch are:

     A) Be excited about your teachings
     B) Inspire your audience
     C) Interact with your audience
     D) Sell the heck out of your offer when the time comes

You’re the star of this (rock) show, and no one else can jump in.

And if, during the launch, you also get stuck with writing emails or recording videos, you won’t be able to do all that.

I’ve witnessed crazy live launches where the launch host did last minute stuff (because she was an “adrenaline junkie”), and got completely exhausted. By the time we opened the cart, she had literally stopped caring about sales, and just wanted everything to be over.

I can’t stress enough how this seemingly simple operational task can have a huge effect on your revenue and profits.

We run valuable surveys where we not only measure the total number of responses, but the quality of these responses, too. It tells us whether you have the right people in, and if your new leads align with your overall message.

This way, you always know if people expect something else other than what you’ve promised in your ads and landing pages.

Set The Stage Lesson #3 - Start With Connection Instead Of Education

Building connection starts in the “pre-launch” part of your campaign.

It’s the period between someone signing up for your launch, and the day you officially start to deliver your launch content.

We call it the “pre-launch sequence.”

The main goal of this phase is to build a connection with your audience on an emotional level.

Don’t start showing off how super smart you are and start dropping your education content right away (that’s what your main launch part is for;) )

Think of “pre-launch” as a warm up party to which everyone is invited to come and have fun, relax, and connect with one another.

Ask them to share and invite their friends, create surprise giveaways and keep it light.

Also, this is why you should use the “Survey Response Filter” I’ve mentioned previously. Getting them to answer one or two questions is easy enough for them to do, and invaluable to you.

Keep your audience curious about what’s to come, and entertained enough so they feel good about your main launch event.

Phase 2: Rock The Arena (Deliver)

Ok, you’ve done all the prep, have the right people in your launch and now it’s time to rock the arena - meaning, deliver your challenge content and then sell your stuff.

If you’ve done everything right so far, all eyes are now on you (aiming for at least 65% of your total challenge audience), so all you have to do next is “practice what you preach”, and they’ll be amazed.

Rock The Arena Lesson #1 - Balance Between Value And Overwhelm

This is the time to EDUCATE your audience but in a way they don’t become overwhelmed.

The biggest mistake, by far, almost everyone of us does is:

We try to wow our audience into buying, so we deliver them way too much content to consume.

So what normally happens is just the opposite.

Instead of everyone being amazed by your ingenuity, most of your launch participants will tune out because you’ve just overwhelmed them.

The answer to this?
Focus on solving ONE problem your audience has in which they can notice their own progress.

Remember, you can’t solve all of their problems during your launch, but you can help solve at least ONE and show you’re the real deal.

And to do that, you don’t need several 40-60 min. webinars, disguised as “launch videos”.

People joined because you’ve promised to help them, but they will stay based on how you make them feel. Remember that.

Here’s 2 areas you need to pay special attention to:

Again, we identify and track a bigger set of Smart Metrics that tell us more about what kind of experience your audience wants to have.

But here are 2 key ones that you need to start paying special attention to:

Also, this is why you should use the “Survey Response Filter” I’ve mentioned previously. Getting them to answer one or two questions is easy enough for them to do, and invaluable to you.

Keep your audience curious about what’s to come, and entertained enough so they feel good about your main launch event.

Smart Metric #1: Video Metrics

Videos are most commonly used to deliver challenge content, and they can be either pre-recorded or live. 

Your team needs to track the following metrics for each of your challenge videos:
- total video views
- daily video views
- video drop-off rate
- number of comments on the video

It’s perfectly normal for your first launch video to have the highest stats, and every next one will have slightly lower.

So, what you want to monitor is how much lower do each daily video's stats get.

If it keeps to around 10-12% drop, then it’s perfectly normal.

But, if you suddenly see a 20%+ drop in views and engagement, then it means that your previous video did something to have people drop-off and stop consuming.

By doing so, you immediately know which content will need to be improved for your next launch, but more importantly, when to double down on your engagement to get the attention back.

Smart Metric #2: Facebook Group Metrics

If having a Facebook group is part of your launch strategy, then you need to pay daily attention to your group insights, specifically: “Active Members”

Always try to maintain at least 50% activity compared to your total number of members.

In some projects we’ve managed to push to 75-80% which had a huge effect on people consuming launch content and eventually sales pitches.

Rock The Arena Lesson 2 - Engage on several communication channels at once

Different people prefer different types of communication channels, so the more you can diversify, the more total audience you’ll reach.

Even when it may seem like one channel isn’t getting a lot of traction, take into account stats from all your communication channels, and you’ll be surprised how many more people pay attention, just in their own way.

For example, when you start delivering your launch content, use all three channels:

1. EMAIL - still the most important communication channel
2. FACEBOOK GROUP - main engagement channel (no matter what we do, people still love FB groups the most when it comes to live launches)
3. SMS - main notification channel (short reminder and updates, no sales pitching!)

Other than the main ones, we’ve uncovered one extra “communication channel” that works specifically well for people that just want to have one link for everything:


It is a standalone landing page with all important daily information and links.

By creating the “All-in-One” Summary Page, you’re making it super easy for your audience to access all information. However, you’re also creating an extra retargeting audience for your ads. (Smart, right?)

Just don’t forget to remove that page, or limit access to it once your launch is done.

Rock The Arena Lesson 3 - Seed Your Offer

I don’t mean that you start your sales pitch immediately, but what I’ve seen work really well in some of our projects was familiarizing the audience that there’s something for them at the end of this launch.

When they join a launch campaign, people expect to be sold to, so you shouldn’t hide the fact, but rather infuse your content and communication with the following:

Refer to your program casually during your launches, so your audience becomes familiar with the name. You could say something like:

“This is just one of the methods we teach in our [PROGRAM NAME]”

Feel free to give examples how your students successfully implemented something, and also casually namedrop your program:

“You see, Emma who’s in my [NAME OF THE PROGRAM] used this method to book 5 new clients.”

Your offer is of great value to your audience, and they should know about it. Start familiarizing them with all the benefits of your program early on.  

Phase 3: Win The Crowd (Sell)

This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for.

The time has come to introduce your offer to raving new fans and reach a new all-time-high launch revenue.

Here are the final 3 lessons I have for you.

Win The Crowd Lesson 1 - Sell like you mean it!

No matter what happened during previous phases of your launch, the main goal of this final phase is to sell your offer.

Less people than you wanted joined your launch? Doesn’t matter.
Didn’t have the most amazing engagement? Doesn’t matter.
You’re exhausted and want it to be over? Doesn’t matter.
You are “not ready” to sell? Doesn’t matter.

Forget everything until this point, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done.

You have hundreds, or thousands, or maybe even tens of thousands of people in your launch, and they LOVED your content (no matter what crappy things you might be saying to yourself), and a lot of them are ready to take the next step and buy.

And once you’ve taken your audience through this launch journey, you really don’t have to do a lot of “selling”.

You have to present your offer with conviction, energy and passion, because this is the best way you’ll help your audience.

How do I know that? Because, if there was some other better way to help them, your offer would be just that!

And when new clients do come in, don’t forget to celebrate them publicly - to show appreciation, but also encourage others who are on the verge to potentially join.

So, even though this isn't tactical advice, it may be the one that makes the most difference in the end

Win The Crowd Lesson 2 - “It ain't over until it's over”

This is always the first thing I say to all our launch teams and clients on the morning of open-cart sequence.

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve seen the most revenue come in the final 1-2 days of the launch.

Just last week one of our clients had their own launch, and during the first three days of open cart had just a handful of new students come in.

But guess what, they weren’t panicking at all.

They followed the open-cart plan, and reached their goal. Most of the new customers came in during the last 24 hours.

I’m writing about this because too often, if things don’t go our way immediately, we let emotions rule our decisions and mess stuff up.

For example, you’ve just opened your cart, and got zero or almost no sales during the first 24 hours.

This doesn’t mean your product sucks, it just means there’s a disconnect and you have to figure out how to reconnect with your audience fast.

There’s a pretty neat and quick SOS tactic we give to our clients on such occasions.
It’s called the “hand to hand combat” strategy, and it’s not as serious as it sounds.

Smart Metric #1: Hyper-Engaged Participants

To be able to implement our SOS strategy there’s one more smart metric you should be tracking, and that is “Engagement Score”. 

It simply means your team should be creating a list of highly engaged launch participants during your challenge and assign the scores based on the amount of participation:

Are they commenting on your posts?
Are they interacting with your content?
Are they engaging in conversation with other participants?
Are they submitting daily launch assignments?

The more active they are, the better the total score they’ll have.

In case you can’t delegate this task to your team, or you simply have too many people in your launch for such tracking - then you can rely on Facebook group insights to give you a list of top participants. It won’t be as detailed, but it’s better to have something than nothing.

Here’s how this looks like live:

Back to the strategy...

“Hand To Hand Combat” Strategy
It means you need to get back into the trenches, reach out to your 50-100 most engaged launch participants (based on your Engagement Score list) and talk to them.

Ask them directly:

“Hey [NAME], I’ve seen you’ve been very engaged during our launch, but for some reason decided not to join our [PROGRAM NAME]. Would love to hear what’s stopping you, and help make the right decision in the end - no matter if you decide to join or not.”

Just talk to people and soon you’ll see if there’s a valid reason why they aren’t joining or maybe they just don’t fully understand the benefits of your program.

You’ll be amazed how fast you can get feedback, pivot your sales narrative (if needed), and finish your open cart sequence strong.

Stay focused and do your best until the final “cart is closed” email is sent!

Win The Crowd Lesson 3 - Know Exactly Who Joined Your Program

The best way to make sure your next launch is even more profitable, is to have a clear knowledge of who exactly joined your program, where did they come from, and why they joined.

This is where our “Deep Client Profile” analysis comes in handy.

Our “Deep Client Profile” analysis gives you needed information about who actually joined your program and what some of their behavior patterns are.

You’ll see whether your marketing message and sales narrative is attracting your “ideal audience”, and where they are coming from.  

Here are some Smart Metrics that we’re analyzing which show us patterns:

Smart Metric #1: Sales Cycle
How long did it take for them to purchase from the moment they’ve joined our client's world, and whether they’ve purchased something in the past.

Smart Metric #2: Specific Source
Where did they come from, and not just the traffic channel, but identifying specific ad sets and ad variations.

Smart Metric #3: Engagement
What was their engagement during the launch, to see which channel ideal clients prefer.

Smart Metric #4: New vs. Old
How many of the clients are existing leads, and were part of previous launches compared to brand new leads.S

I’ll stop here.

We track and analyze SmartMetrics for 8 more areas, but something has to stay secret and available for our Exponential Switch Accelerator members only.

We’ve even taken it a couple of steps further, and developed JourneyMetrics - a custom software focused on tracking what happens on a student's journey from the moment they join your course to becoming your success stories.

Here’s a sneak peek at one cool feature we have (it’s exclusively available to our Exponential Switch accelerator tribe), just to tease you a bit.

Your Turn Now

For now, let’s stay focused on the first part of your client’s journey, and that’s optimizing your current launch strategy using my SmartMetrics Optimization (SMO) approach.

And in case you’ve missed it above, you can apply SMO no matter the launch strategy (PLF, Challenges, Masterclass, Webinars…) you are currently using...

Because it is designed to get you better results based on key phases of your launch process: before, during and after.

Then go through all three phases of your launch strategy and fill in the gaps with powerful advice I’ve shared with you in this guide. 

To get started, get your free copy of SMO Tracker we use for internal and client launch: 

Then go through all three phases of your launch strategy and fill in the gaps with powerful advice I’ve shared with you in this guide. 

To get started, get your free copy of SMO Tracker we use for internal and client launch: 

Model what we did, but make it yours and finally see and know exactly what you need to focus on to get more out of your launches.

Want Me And My Team To Maximize Your Course Profits Using The SmartMetrics Optimization (SMO) Strategy?

If you don’t have the time, expertise or team power to do all of the above by yourself, we’ll be very happy to help you.

Using the SmartMetrics Optimization strategy, we can help you multiply your course profits, by actually having less live launches.

First, we’ll start by reviewing your entire launch strategy and client journey process.

Next, we’ll identify all the metrics you need to be tracking and set up your Exponential Growth Scorecard, Smart Launch Tracker and in-depth Course Success tracking.

Finally, we’ll create a clear 90-day action plan for your next launch so you can make more money, and get more stellar case studies.

What you need to make this work:

1. Already have experience with live launches. You’ve launched successfully at least once (ideally 2-3 times), and understand the mechanics of live launches.

2. Digital course that’s proven to convert - you have at least 100-200 active course students, and know how to sell your offer.

3. A long term mindset - You need to be willing to have the patience and understanding to create a reliable and predictable system. It takes time to identify and setup tracking, and then execute your next launch strategy. Setting the right foundations takes time, so that’s why our process takes around 60-90 days for you to see the full effect of the SMO strategy.

If you meet all the above criteria and are serious about turning your one off launches, into a sustainable growth strategy for your course business, book a Zoom call here with my team, where we’ll discuss what we offer and the best implementation path to match your needs and budget. 

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